



The endless runner with a twist and we do mean that quite literally...Enter the world of Roll'd where rolling comes in at a new degree. Try and best you record with each game but remember about the twist, for you do not control the hero......you control the track. Keep it steady and beat your record with every new game. The higher your score the faster you levelup and unlock the next level.Run through the varying settings all specifically stylised with references and inspirations ranging from the CGA era, through 8-16bit NES/SNES to the golden ages of the Amiga and more. But at the same time they are all up to date with modern lighting effects, dynamic weather and some other cool visual treats.Leaderboards are ready to go so to best your fellow man you can always check who has been the top Roller. But be wary though, Roll'd can and will be unforgiving and reaching that extra point with each game will prove to be a demanding yet exciting task.See you rolling!Features:-A unique twist on a classic genre-Leaderboards-Varying and beautiful graphical settings and animations -Engaging Original Soundtrack-Varying weather, atmospheric effects and day cycle-Rich post effects going hand in hand with the visuals and audio----PLEASE NOTE!All IAP (In App Purchases) are ingame levels which can be unlocked for free ingame. The better you play, the higher score multiplier you receive. The higher your score the faster you levelup and unlock the next level.----Ingame instructions available in English, French, German & Polish.








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部落战争 玩吧攻略

玩吧--国内第一手游攻略!这里有各版本最强力的阵法,最全的兵种战术,最新的游戏资料,最科学的建筑升级顺序,最新的大神游戏心得,一切尽在《部落战争》玩吧攻略 欢迎加入部落战争攻略官方交流QQ群: 302446866 【关于玩吧】 玩吧,专为手机游戏玩家而生! 这里有 最给力的原创游戏攻略、各种奇葩玩法 …
城堡争霸 玩吧攻略

城堡争霸(Castle Clash) 是一款将战略规划和快节奏对战融为一体的令人上瘾的游戏。您的任务永无止境,赶紧下载吧!玩吧攻略教你快速升本、快速变强,直到您的城堡从数百万玩家中脱颖而出,独霸天下! 欢迎加入城堡争霸攻略官方交流QQ群: 52544716 【关于玩吧】 玩吧,专为手机游戏玩家而生! …
玩吧攻略 for 苍穹之剑 游戏资料,职业攻略

不喜欢战斗软绵绵,不喜欢做任务跑地图跑半天,更不喜欢跟NPC唠嗑个没完! 在这里,一切都是一气呵成。 玩家在海量副本中疯狂探索,无论是狩猎、采集、讨伐,限时、通关、击杀,野外、地下城、水域,……,给玩家展示类似端游品质的酷爽战斗场面。 「苍穹之剑3D」认为副本限时太死板,掉落太少很抠门。所以,副本一 …
玩吧社区 for 鳄鱼小顽皮爱洗澡2

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玩吧攻略 for 凡人修真

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放开那三国 玩吧攻略

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