



Create digital portfolios called pods.

Fill them with photos, videos, files, links and much more.

Things you can add:

- Photos

- Videos


- Files

- Music, podcasts, audio books or voice recordings

- Presentations (Keynote, PowerPoint or Google Docs)

- Spreadsheets (Numbers, Excel or Google Docs)

- Documents (Pages, Word, or Google Docs)


- Handouts

- News Feeds

- Links to websites

- YouTube videos

- Vimeo videos


- And more!


- Import any file from Google Drive or Dropbox

- Add photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad camera roll

- Add a link that goes anywhere



Things you can do:

Create pods around different areas of interest, like education, arts, design, professional development and more. The best thing about a pod is that you can put a number of materials in one place and then easily reference a link to it for other people to access. They can get it on their mobile devices or on the web at roovy.com

Imagine you are dealing with a room full of people and you want to share materials with them. Why use paper or email? Just give them a link to your pod with all the materials you want to share. If you don’t want to share the link, just give them the pod name and tell them to search for it on Roovy.

You can update the contents in pods anytime, people can comment on contents, and everyone can stay up-to-date on new material you add with push notifications, email updates, and an activity feed that updates everyone on people and pods they follow.


You can use pods in a number of different ways, including using them to:

- Distribute handouts and other learning materials for classes

- Have students prepare presentations


Use them to store and share:

- Presentations

- Reference guides

- Your favorite media on a topic

- Conference and meeting materials


- Agendas

- Marketing documents and media

- Portfolio items

- Design ideas

- Etc...



Think of Roovy as a social network for your files.


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