【實用教育app】Router Forums|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Router Forums|最夯免費app


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Router Forum:

* RouterForums.com News & Feedback - Read the most recent RouterForums.com news and changes. Also, if you have a suggestion or some feedback, feel free to let us know.

* Table-mounted Routing - Discussions solely based on operations that are using the table-mounted router. Bob and Rick say "More than 90% of all operations using the router can be done with the table-mounted router.

* General Routing - General Routing is a place to discuss the general operations of the router. Come here and ask your questions about the general usage of a router, types of router, and the different brands.

* Portable Routing - Discussion area on the Portable Router and its applications. Bob and Rick say, "If the piece is bigger than the router then chances are it should be routed with the portable router."

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* Jigs and Fixtures - This area will be directed towards the art of designing specific jigs and fixtures. Bob and Rick say, "if the specific operation is to make more than one piece the same size and shape then chances are you need a jig and/or fixtures."

* Guide Bushings and Templates - This is where to learn about the different types of guide bushings and how to use them, how to create templates, how to build a frame to hold your work piece, and how to combine them all to create a project.

* Router Bits - Types and Usage - Discussion area for the wide variety of router bits available today. Get help with the selecting the proper bit for your project, usage, set up and other tips and tricks.

* CNC Routing - A place to discuss CarveWright, CompuCarve and other CNC routing devices.

* Router Reference - This area shows photos of different router models, helpful information such as mounting plate hole layouts and parts interchange.

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