【實用社交app】Royal Cause|最夯免費app

【實用社交app】Royal Cause|最夯免費app


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Royal Cause is breaking ground for helping others to build stronger communities. Our app promotes corporate philanthropy by increasing local awareness of business-giving impact.

You can easily discover corporations doing business in your community who are actively supporting local causes. Facts, details and inspiring stories of change illuminate the positive effect of corporate partnerships and the catalyst for change they provide.

Corporate philanthropy is a 16+ billion dollar per year mist for good that prevails over issues everyone cares about. Yet the majority of individuals in a community are unaware of the profound impact it has on the environment, culture and lives of people in our own surroundings.

We thought everyone should have fingertip access to thousands of obscure giving facts that will fascinate. Our novel research shines in its new format.

For our mobile app users we have designed and produced an addictive experience. It doesn't cost you a dime to get up-to-date corporate giving information about your community. You just got a new super-power!

We won’t nag you for donations – not even a polite request. We're happy with you becoming an ‘expert’ on this obscure behavior of corporations and businesses - large, small and micro.

What can you do with these facts?

Want to dine out tonight? Can't decide where? Let Royal Cause guide you. Easily find an establishment that is financially supporting a local or national charity you care about.

Where does your employer give in the community? We know what you want to know about their generosity and we can’t wait to share this with you.

Which of your favorite brand supports local charities? Tap-Tap - Answered!

Want to learn about hundreds of 501c charities in your local community? No problem. We know of many doing great things - and they are right in your backyard. Some you have never heard of. Let us give you a detailed tour.

Want to see all the businesses that support a specific charity? We got that one covered.

Want to learn how brands are making a difference with their generosity? We connect you directly to their stories.

When should you consult Royal Cause?

* Before you make that next sales call

* When you determine that a philanthropically aligned business partnership is to your benefit

* To get a sense of how business is supporting local community improvements

* Find a brand or a charity that is aligned with your personal causes

* Consider using this information prior to making your next big purchase

* Choose to do business with the brands that are making choices to help your causes in your community

You’ll find our innovative features so user friendly and intuitive you’ll think it’s magic. We think the real magic is with the brands and charities that are joined together in doing good. And that magic becomes more potent when you know about them.

We believe this information when presented responsibly and creatively will help everyone on their journey towards building better communities. We would be grateful if you joined brands and charities in this quest.

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

【免費社交App】Royal Cause-APP點子

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