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With a slick and intuitive interface, The News combines Videos,text of all of your favorite channels, shows, reporters,websites and other news sources into a simple, fun and easy-to-use system. This Run360 App helps you discover news that you’d likely never find without help from The News!

Your news in Seconds. Get the Fast addictively simple news app loved by millions.

Our proprietary algorithm analyzes 10+ million articles a day to deliver the top trending stories from the sources you trust: BBC News, CNN, Ghanaweb,NBC News, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, Bleacher Report, Quartz, The Verge, Vox.com, Reuters, AP, Perez Hilton and more.

Discover what’s trending around the world -- right now.

Lightning fast, zero loading time -- read offline.

Optimized for readability -- no fluff.

“Very minimalistic and simple to use.” - Paste


The Run360 tracks the best news videos as they’re shared by hundreds of leading news sources around the world, and organizes them into text and videos. Simply click through Run360' huge variety of channels and to enjoy great news anytime, anywhere.

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The Run360 App by IDOC Technology brings you the best news video content from leading News sources including:

Fortune Magazine, France 24, Aljazeera, UNICEF, The Economist, TIME, The Huffington Post, Truth Excavator, The Charlie Rose Show, Euronews, U.S. Census Bureau, ITN News, The Young Turks, UK Prime Minister, Reddit Politics, CNN International, The Oregonian, The Republican Party, Democracy Now!, Digg, C-SPAN, BuzzFeed Politics, NBC, Michelle Obama, NRCC, House Republicans, Real Clear Politics, The Drudge Report, CNBC,CBS Evening News, Current TV, Politico, Army Times, Business Insider, Newsline, Press Association, Channel 4 News, New York Daily News, The Daily Mail, Winning Our Futue, Google News, The Washington Times,USA TODAY, NBC Nightly News, JFox News, Top Tweets, Financial Times, LA Times Business, Forbes, Newsy, LA Times, Los Angeles Times World News, SXSW, Pulitzer Center, Los Angeles Times, NMA World Edition, Money and Markets, Meet the Press, The Daily Dot, Newsmax TV, MSNBC , The Blaze, Nicholas Kristof, Reuters, The Daily Source, The Chicago Sun Times, NASDAQ, PBS News Hour, USA Today Money, John Donvan, Journeyman Pictures, The Miami Herald, AP Elections, Health Magazine, The Nation, The Daily Caller,The Democratic Party, Talking Points Memo, American Bridge, On This Day, The Weather Channel, Money Magazine, CBS Money Watch,Boston.com, Good Morning America,Wired, 60 Minutes, Dateline NBC, The Big Picture, Link TV, The National, Harvard Business Review, New York Times, NBC Los Angeles, The Hill, Wolf Blitzer, Citizentube, Storyful, Reuters TV, Business Wire, Disaster News , HuffPost Politics, The New Republic, CNN Money, Gartner, Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, NYTimes, Sky News Australia, The Agenda, Gallup News, AFP, The Globe and Mail,U.S. Department of Defense, Yahoo! Finance, The White House, George Stephanopoulos, Townhall, BNET, Now This News, RFI USCC, Global Research TV,Russia Today,Nobel Prize,The Texas Tribune,Alex Jones , The Washington Post, ABC News Australia,Info Live, he Atlantic, BBC,NBC Politics, Ron Paul , National Review, NRSC, RT America,The independent, The Guardian,Sky News, The New York Times, USA Today,

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