【實用工具app】S7Droid Lite V1.2|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】S7Droid Lite V1.2|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】S7Droid Lite V1.2-APP點子

S7Droid is a mobile software solution for operating Simatic S7 PLC. To communicate with a S7 device or the new Siemens Logo 0BA7 with Ethernet Port. You need a Ethernet Communication Processor (CP343-?? Or CP443-?? OR CP243). Connection is possible over WiFi or Mobile Network (UMTS with VPN). You can control the whole memory of the plc like inputs, outputs, flags or datablocks.

The format of the memory values can be BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, INT, DINT, REAL and TOD (Time of Day)

To communicate with S7-PLC we use the free communication library “libnodave” (http://libnodave.sourceforge.net/). The libnodave lib was tested in a emulator and a HTC Hero with Android 2.1. On problems please send us an e-mail.

With S7Droid you can control the whole memory area of a Simatic S7 PLC. Please be sure what you are doing. Also we remind to the warnings of the libnodave author, that the code of libnodave is still beta and You assume all responsibility for its use.

Simatic, S7, S7-300 und S7-400 are registered Trademarks of Siemens AG

【免費工具App】S7Droid Lite V1.2-APP點子

【免費工具App】S7Droid Lite V1.2-APP點子

【免費工具App】S7Droid Lite V1.2-APP點子

【免費工具App】S7Droid Lite V1.2-APP點子

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