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From the editor:As the fabulous Feast team will tell you, I’m occasionally a little late with my editor’s letter. This issue has set a new record – just after we sent this edition of Feast to print we were informed that the magazine will no longer be published and that this issue is our last. To say that we are sad is an understatement however, I’m glad that we just had enough time to thank everyone who has supported Feast since we launched with the wonderful Luke Nguyen on the cover in August 2011. In the 41 issues since then we have been thrilled to have featured Australian chefs like Luke, Neil Perry, Guy Grossi and Shane Delia and even more excited to have featured family celebrations from just a few of the myriad cultures that we are fortunate enough to have here in Australia. We will always be in awe of the generosity and hospitality of the families who invited us into their homes to share Shabbat, Eid al Fitr, saint days, Easter, weddings, family reunions and more. They were all so happy to share their culture, traditions and recipes and we were thrilled to be able to share all that with you, our readers.And thank you for your support reader – it’s for you that we created the magazine each month and we loved hearing your feedback and seeing your kitchen triumphs. Thanks must also go out to our advertisers – some of whom have been with us since day one. Your support has been greatly appreciated. And finally, I’d like to thank the wonderful Feast team and our contributors without whom this magazine would never make it to the stands. Their creativity, knowledge, enthusiasm and boundless energy has made working on this magazine a joy and a privilege.The Feast magazine app will remain available for you to access your issues for the forseeable future.Feast is all about authentic cuisines, the joy of cooking and eating, and the celebration of Australia’s cultural diversity. It uncovers the fascinating history and traditions behind dishes: the provenance of recipes, the unique ingredients and cooking styles of different cultures, and the people and communities behind the food. As well as showcasing leading Australian and international chefs, Feast honours the culinary talent of ordinary home cooks through sharing cherished family recipes and documenting cultural celebrations around the country. Every issue contains recipes to share, authentic dishes to create and destinations both local and overseas to discover. Open a copy of Feast magazine and enjoy the world on your plate.Downloading the App allows you to buy your digital editions. Magazine content can only be accessed with a purchase. ------If you have any problems with your App, please visit http://www.subscribetoday.com.au/digitalhelp for assistance and frequently asked questions. If you continue to have problems and wish to contact us, please contact us with your version of iOS and a description of the problems you are facing.

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