【實用紙牌app】SDD_Shot Gantry|最夯免費app

【實用紙牌app】SDD_Shot Gantry|最夯免費app


【免費紙牌App】SDD_Shot Gantry-APP點子

One of the New Year in Taiwan will play the game

SDD shot the gantry to use two and does not contain joker poker, this game suitable to play together with the people.

How to play:

First, each player must throw basic points as a public fund, alternately in order to see a license, you can choose to post at the same time to open a brand or single to open brand to increase the tension of the game, can also raise, raise the amount of up to half of the public funds.

The player's cards must borrow between the goal post. Will have the following several Conditions

【免費紙牌App】SDD_Shot Gantry-APP點子

1 between the players points between the two post wins.

2 the doorpost points for even numbers, players do not need to flop, determined to lose.

Doorpost middle only one, if the players card points just in the post between the players available to win double.

3. Player's points is equal to one of the two post, that called skittle the players Panpei double.

4 the doorpost points are the same, the players than the size of a way to guess the player 's big or small, guess you can win.

If public funds to 0, each player must throw basic points as the Fund.

When the total number of licenses for less than half of the remaining re-shuffle.

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