【實用健康app】SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis-APP點子

SMART Recovery® is: Self Management And Recovery Training.The SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a tool for helping people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors, including: drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, prescription drug abuse, sexual addiction, and problem addiction to other substances and activities.A CBA is divided into 4 sections:1. Advantages of using/doing: What do I enjoy about my addiction, what does it do for me?2. Disadvantages of using/doing: What do I hate about my addiction, what does it do to me?3. Advantages of NOT using/doing: What do I think I will like about giving up my addiction?4. Advantages of NOT using/doing: What do I think I won't like about giving up my addiction?This is not a do once and forget about it exercise. It is an ongoing project. Most people simply can't remember all of the positive and negative aspects of addiction and recovery at any one time. Furthermore, seeing all the negative consequences of addiction listed in one place is very powerful. On the positive side, no one really knows what they like or don't like about living free of their addiction until they have done so for some time. SMART Recovery has members who have continued to add items to all four questions for a full 6 months.

【免費健康App】SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis-APP點子

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