



Use the SOPHY-App as interactive assistant throughout your physiotherapy and reach your therapy-goals easily!The new SOPHY-App is for patients whose physiotherapists use the SOPHY web application. The app serves as a recipient for your individual exercise programs, which are created by your physiotherapist especially for you.Gone are the times of boring home workout plans, SOPHY pushes your active therapy to new levels!It will motivate and support you and show you how much you’ve already achieved. No matter if you want to get rid of your pain, relax, get stronger, improve your balance or simply get in shape, SOPHY has definitely the right exercises for you!You don't have a physiotherapist yet?No problem, SOPHY finds one for you! With the feature ‘physios nearby' you ‘ll quickly and easily find what you are searching for.SOPHY’S FUNCTIONS AND BENEFITS• Easy login with just email and password• SOPHY speaks 3 languages; choose in the settings between English, German and Italian• HD videos and detailed exercise descriptions help you to do it right• Have your exercise plan with you every time and everywhere• Track your progress with color-changing charts and curves• Share your progress with your physiotherapist who will help you with the choice of exercise and reach your goals faster• Measure the mobility of your knee-joint after your surgery• Contact your physiotherapist with just one tap or recommend him to your friends• SOPHY is a service of your therapist and it's absolutely free for you• Your physiotherapist creates a customized plan especially for you. This guarantees a professional and appropriate choice of exercises adjusted to your symptoms and needs.An effective and successful physiotherapy is based on your motivation and activity. SOPHY helps you to stay on the ball and never lose track of your goals.Accept the challenge of your physiotherapist and practice with SOPHY, your smart exercise assistant!






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