【實用通訊app】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

Safe Driving + Auto SMS - auto reply text message to missed calls and incoming sms once you are driving. Save your money, health and life. Driving android app for secure driving! If you really need to attend to incoming messages, TTS – Text to speech service for incoming messages included and will read them to you, so you don't have to take your eyes off the road.

40% of all American teens say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger, according to Federal Communications Commission. Text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted.

There are 8,000 accidents per day only in the USA due to the loss of focus and concentration, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).

Texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving. Don't SMS while driving.


Drive safely when Safe Driving + Auto SMS will let people know you're on the road and will get back to them once you’re not driving. Text and drive without touching your phone.

✔ Set different time ranges - profiles

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ Each profile have its own settings (vibrate , totally silent etc)

✔ Option to set time, week days, repeat weekly

✔ Manual status – set default status and turn it on/off manually

✔ One touch ON / OFF widget

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ TTS – Text to speech service for incoming messages

✔ Customize a reply message: “i’m driving, will call you later”

✔ MMS message - record personalized voice or even video message or attach images to your

text (or bundle them all together) and auto reply to all your missed calls and incoming SMS.

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ Emergency list - people whose calls you will receive any way

✔ Personalized list - people whom you want to auto reply with personalized message

✔ Don't Auto Reply list - a list of people whose sms / calls, you won’t reply to

✔ Auto reply to calls and sms only of your contacts

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ Auto reply to calls and sms only of non-contacts

✔ Text auto response to calls only

✔ Text auto reply to sms messages only

✔ Set ringer mode to silent during sms auto response mode

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ Set vibrate mode to silent during sms auto reply mode

✔ Send only one sms response to the same contact during auto replay mode

✔ Archive of sent text messages

✔ Set an alarm clock with a single touch for the end of the status – will let you know if status ended when you are still driving

【免費通訊App】Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS-APP點子

✔ Info widget

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Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS APP LOGO

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Safe Driving + Auto SMS + TTS APP QRCode

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