【實用旅遊app】San Marino Guide|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】San Marino Guide|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

GPS activated audio guide, offline map, phrasebook, bars, restaurants, events and other features!

San Marino Offline Guide is a guide application as never seen before. It provides unique combinations of the features like:

1. No more doubts what you're looking at. The guide activates immediately while approaching the tourist sight.

You will receive notification on your Android Wear smartwatch (if available) or the guide will start reading information about the sight using Text-to-Speech engine.

2. Record your walking path and export to KML to show-off to your friends using Google Earth.

3. Add photos at each visited sight and publish them afterwards as a Facebook album with a single click.

4. Location sharing with other San Marino Offline Guide users via SMS.

San Marino Offline Guide is a free Android application that lets you experience new way of exploring tourist sites.

Leave your paper guidebook behind. You will never miss another important attraction (Point of Interest - POI). Enjoy discovering the city hands-free, with the smart-phone in your pocket, and headphones in your ears. When the pocket guide detects that you are passing something important, the guide will notify you about it and tell the story behind it. It is like having a personal audio guide with you.

Additionally you can check yourself for the facts, and use build in on-line and off-line map with your GPS position for orientation. You can sort the sites by distance and their attractiveness. The guide will show you what's around the corner and how to get there.

Moreover, now you can create your travel journal by taking photos (with your comments) at each attraction and publishing it as album on Facebook - no more manual photo coping.

Upon each start the app will also check for the current weather of the place of your visit.

Should you have any problems using this app - before giving us a bad rating - please contact us at play@travelerpocketguide.com

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

We will be happy to help you.

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】San Marino Guide-APP點子

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