【實用策略app】Santa Claus vs Zombies|最夯免費app

【實用策略app】Santa Claus vs Zombies|最夯免費app


【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

*** Merry Christmas ***

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

****Best game Santa Claus for Merry Christmas****

Christmas going on then, se se cold winter day one of the romantic true both? This season hangover everyone waiting for a joyful Christmas and new year on. On this occasion, update enlist "tell" the whole house heard story "old" but not everyone knows.

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

Zombies to rob santa gifts, Santa to prevent them

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

Santa and his gang of Santa impersonators and elves are not going to let the Zombie Apocalypse get in the way of delivering the presents. Not when they own the Candy-Cane-Cannon, the more effective Zombie destroying machine ever invented.

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子


【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

What Zombies really hate is nice clean fun, and what they hate most is Christmas. Using the Zombie-in-ator super elimination Cannon they are going to stop Christmas at all cost.

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

Ho ho ho, Santa Claus is coming to town. Take on the role of Santa Claus as you go chimney to chimney, fighting the zombie apocalypse. Clear the house of all Zombies before Christmas morning, build a snowman and even decorate a Christmas tree!

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

The dead are walking and old Saint Nick has just added them to the naughty list.

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子


【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子


【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

-Snow in game

【免費策略App】Santa Claus vs Zombies-APP點子

-15 weapons

-Take out the undead using Santa approved firearms and exciting gunplay !

-Many items to collect, combine and use in your quest.

-Zombies funny!

Contact us if you have problems or comments with the app.

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免費玩Santa Claus vs Zombies App

Santa Claus vs Zombies APP LOGO

Santa Claus vs Zombies LOGO-APP點子

Santa Claus vs Zombies APP QRCode

Santa Claus vs Zombies QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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