【實用工具app】Satellite Internet|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Satellite Internet|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Satellite Internet-APP點子

Cable and fiber optic services have spoiled most of the nation with high-speed internet, but if you are in a rural area without cable, you don't need to cruise in the slow lane of the information highway. Satellite internet services have come a long way, providing speeds comparable to some cable services and far better than dial-up.

【免費工具App】Satellite Internet-APP點子

Satellite internet depends on geostationary satellites, which orbit at the same speed as the Earth's rotation and thus remain stationary relative to a location on the Earth's surface. The satellites send and receive internet signals. To receive satellite internet at home, you need a special satellite dish or receiver and a service contract with an internet satellite provider.

Satellite internet is ideal for homes and businesses in rural areas where cable, fiber or even DSL internet is not available. Satellite is a vast improvement over conventional dial-up because it delivers a high-speed internet connection without tying up a telephone line. The best satellite internet providers, including Exede, HughesNet and dishNET, provide high-speed internet in the most rural parts of the country. To learn more about this type of internet service, browse through our in-depth satellite internet reviews and articles on satellite internet.

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