【實用生活app】Save Your Time|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Save Your Time|最夯免費app


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* Save your time' is a time management app for me. It will help you to manage your time in a variety of ways* Think about the dayPlease add the things that you have to do every day. The remaining time is the time that you can use during the day.* Add to checklistPlease add the checklist for your purpose.Try setting the goals and purpose of the checklist. You can also set a notification.* Wise saying or advise on the checklist.The checklist can be confirmed in the 'Today' screen. In the 'Today' screen, you can view the wise saying or advise on the checklist.* Today ExtensionYou can also view checklist on Today Extension.* Setting PurposeThe purpose is to manage the 'Settings -> purpose.'* TimelineAll history can be found in the 'Timeline'. The timeline can also be a simple note related to the history.* I will continue to add new and useful features. Please enjoy. :)

【免費生活App】Save Your Time-APP點子

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【免費生活App】Save Your Time-APP點子

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【免費生活App】Save Your Time-APP點子

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