【實用教育app】School's curriculum|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】School's curriculum|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

School's curriculum: provides you with, a packet consisting of an important programs, together with educational websites customized and pre-configured, to fit to the Android devices (Tablet & Mobile), no matter what is the screen size or specifications, and rotation (vertical or horizontal), and in this case we will have the complete requirements for any student to study and to react, and we can find these pre-configures websites easier, because they are located at the same browse.

The program also provides you with the ability to customize your own websites, and to remember it later.

We are working to make it, the universal program for all students around the world, and to unite the education resources for everybody.

* in this version, you will find the following programs

1- Notes program

2- Camera (pictures and movies) to scan your documents immediately

3- Pictures viewer (with ability to share the picture)

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

4- Calculator

5- Sound recorder, to record the lessons directly

6- GPS with Google maps

* you will find the following websites, beside the customized Google search

1- Math educational website

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

2- Science educational website

3- History educational website

4- Geography educational website

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

5- Computer educational website

6- Religion educational website

7- Art educational website

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

8- Music instruments educational website

9- English language educational website

10- Swedish language educational website

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

11- Arabic language educational website

12- Wikipedia

13- Answers educational website

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

14- Encyclopaedia Britannica educational website

15- Health education educational website

16- Internet radio stations

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

17- Online stories

18- Online games

19- Youtube

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

20- Yahoo mail

21- MSN mail

22- Google translate

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

23- Facebook

【免費教育App】School's curriculum-APP點子

免費玩School's curriculum APP玩免費

免費玩School's curriculum App

School's curriculum APP LOGO

School's curriculum LOGO-APP點子

School's curriculum APP QRCode

School's curriculum QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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※本アプリは「進研ゼミ中学講座」および「進研ゼミ難関私立中高一貫講座」の受講生向けサービスです。※スマートフォンで提出できるのは、2014年度以降の中一・中二,2015年度以降の中三の解答用紙のみです。<赤ペン 提出カメラ>は、「進研ゼミ中学講座」・「進研ゼミ難関私立中高一貫講座」でお届けしている< …