【實用工具app】Scientific Calculator 3D Free|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Scientific Calculator 3D Free|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

"Scientific Calculator 3D Free" is a powerful math tool for Android consists of 5 calculators. "Matrix Calculator", a tool to calculate the decompositions and various operations on matrix, "Equation Solver" an instrument capable of solving equations of degree n, "Graphing Calculator" a real scientific graphing calculator can draw graphs in 2D and 3D, "Currency Converter" a currency converter always updated with the new exchange rates and "Unit Converter" a small units converter. In addition we find a comfortable Periodic Table of Elements.

Features in detail:

-Matrix Calculator:

--Derived Quantities


【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子



【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子



Cholesky decomposition

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LU decomposition whit pivoting

QR decomposition

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SVD - Singular Values decomposition

Eigenvalues - Eigenvectors

--Linear Systems

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

Linear Systems M N

-Graphing Calculator:

--Sample expressions

variable evaluation: pi

function evaluation: sin(0)

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

variable definition: a=3.5

function definition: f(x)=x^2-1

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parentheses: (1-x)^2

--Logarithms and power

sqrt(x): square root; x^0.5

cbrt(x): cube root; x^(1/3)

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

exp(x): exponential; e^x

log(x), ln(x): natural logarithm

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

log2(x), lb(x): binary logarithm

log10(x), lg(x): decimal logarithm

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

log(base,x): arbitrary base logarithm

--Trigonometric - radians

sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)

asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)

--Trigonometric - degrees

sind(x), cosd(x), tand(x)

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x)


sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)

asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x)


gcd(x,y): greatest common divisor

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

comb(n,k): combinations

perm(n,k): permutations

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

min(x,y), max(x,y)

floor(x), ceil(x)

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

abs(x): absolute value

sign(x): signum

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

rnd(): random value from [0,1). rnd(max): random value from [0, max).

gamma(x): (x-1)!

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

mod(x,y): modulo

--Complex numbers

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

i or j is the complex base. Example:


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+ - × ÷ basic arithmetic

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

^ power

% percent

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! factorial

# modulo

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

√ square root

' first derivative

--Binary, octal, hexadecimal

Value converter in binary, octal or hexadecimal input prefixing respectively 0b, 0o, 0x, in decimal.

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

binary: 0b1010

octal: 0o17

【免費工具App】Scientific Calculator 3D Free-APP點子

hexa: 0x100


It is possible to compute the first derivative of a function with one argument using the prime notation: log'(5).

The prime mark (quote) must appear immediately after the name of the function, and must be followed by open-parentheses.

The derivative may be plotted e.g. sqrt'(x).

To compute the derivative of an expression you must define the expression as a named function.

Eg f (x) = x ^ 2 + x, after insertion, type f '(x) to display the graph of the derivative.

--Multi plot

To plot multiple functions on the same 2d graph, simply enter them on the same line separated by ";".

--Special Function

Limit Calculator

Indefinite Integrals


Definite Integrals

Taylor Series

Tangent Line

ArcLength & SurfaceArea

Formula Tables

--Graph (MultiPlot up to 6 functions)

Graph of parametric functions

Graph in polar coordinates

MultiPlot 3D

--Widget Calculator

Say about us





"BisMag Scientific Graphing Calculator 3D"is a demo version of "BisMag Calculator 3D" if the product is to your liking and you find it useful try the PRO version.

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