【實用書籍app】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

Exploring The Bible is an interactive "Time Travel" adventure series. In Book 4: The Story of Noah's Ark, the power of God's grace and of good overcoming evil is the predominant theme. Following the presentation of the Noah's Ark story, the Bible Guides emerge to help the reader identify the symbols used in the story. One by one the symbols are explained and the reader discovers that God's help -- God's grace -- is available to those who trust in his ways of goodness and love. Just as the ark made it possible for Noah, his family, and the animals to float above the waters of the great flood, God's grace can help believers rise above evil and fill the world with God's goodness and love.Throughout the book, numerous interactive questions and activities with sound prompts and real-time feedback reinforce what is learned and keeps the reader actively engaged with the content.Near the end of this book the Bible Guides drop into the story in "present" time to explain why a fuller understanding of a Bible story can be obtained by applying what we know as modern day Christians. Many biblical scholars see the waters of the great flood in the Story of Noah's Ark as a symbol for the waters of Baptism. Just as Noah and his family came through the flood and started a new life, by the waters of Baptism, each Christian begins a new life ... a new life in Jesus Christ. Also, by applying today's scientific understanding of light, we can deepen our understanding of the rainbow symbol. The colors in light are always present, even though we don't see them. Because God is pure spirit, we don't see him, either. The rainbow symbol is God's way of letting us know that even though we don't see him, he is always with us.Author: Michelle Willis, M.Ed.Illustrator: Michelle Willis

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Searchlight ® Kids: Exploring the Bible 4-APP點子

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