【實用攝影app】Selfie Cam Editor Pro|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Selfie Cam Editor Pro|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

Selfie Cam Editor Pro is the coolest All-In-One photo app that features Pro Editor, Stickers, Frames, and Pic-in-Pic modes. Download it for FREE!. You can pick photo from your gallery or camera. It's easy and enjoyable.

You can enhance your photo in just ONE SINGLE tap. Take your photo or choose one from your social networks profile, then with just a few clicks fix your "bad days" face.

With This Selfie Cam Editor Pro App You Can :

★ Filter Camera: With real-time effects, it can help to take artistic photos!

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

Filter camera can provide classic effects and makes it easier for you to take beautiful pictures.

★ Editing: Cropping, rotating and toning in an easy way.

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

Crop and rotate photos, as well as adjust their brightness, contrast and saturation as you wish.

★ Beautification: Whitening, polishing, removing acne, enlarging eyes and slimming easily by only paint or tap through your fingers. We also provide various eyeliners and blushers to enhance the beauty of your photos.

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

★ Effects: Enhancing photos with all kinds of cool effects, Selfie Cam Editor Pro makes your photos in the highest quality.

Selfie Cam Editor Pro has a large collection of beautiful and practical picture effects. With one click, you can achieve many cool artistic effects, such as soft light, LOMO, autumn effect, blue tone, old photo, and thereby make one photo with different feelings.

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

★ Decoration: With a large number of beautiful decorations, it presents your individualized photos.

This app integrates all kinds of pretty accessories, interesting stamps and fashion text material for you to create personalized photos.

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

★ Frames: Various frames make photos more interesting.

A great many simple or complex frames for your selection.

【免費攝影App】Selfie Cam Editor Pro-APP點子

★ Stickers: Various stickers make photos more awesome.

It has never been more easy and interesting to make an AMAZING SELFIE!

So now download it for FREE !!

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