【實用遊戲app】Shape Poppers!!|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Shape Poppers!!|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

Don't you wish you had some magical application to safeguard your secret information?In ancient Greece, people wrote their secret messages on wood and then covered them with wax and wrote other innocent masking messages on the wax covered wood. So no one could ever imagine that there could possibly be any secret messages underneath the wax cover!Or must I remind you of the secret ink kits which we used, as kids, to write secret messages that no one could see unless that had the decoder marker or black light!Well!! The good news straight from the talented team of Nimap Infotech is that - the digital equivalent of this masking technique is now available and is called "App Masking"."App Masking' is the first of its kind masking application developed by Nimap Infotech which can work on any platform and can be applied to any game or application to secretly hide (mask) it. The best part, you don't have to be a trained spy plotting international espionage to put this simple yet brilliant masking application to good use.The function of this masking application is to securely hide the sensitive application (which contains your secret information) by masking it with a simple game or another application.So how does it work?By App Masking a simple game called Shape Poppers!!, we can mask/hide a note maker application underneath it without anyone knowing. So for everyone Shape Poppers seems to be a simple game but in reality it acts as a mask for the note maker application which only you can access. Interesting isn't it?On masking the simple note maker application with the Shape Poppers game it becomes a secret note making application, in which you can make your personal notes. This is only possible by using the App Masking technique.When you start the Shape Poppers game you are presented with "Enter Name" screen. This screen may appear to be a very ordinary screen asking you to simply enter your name to start playing but it is actually a password screen for the secret note maker. Only if the correct password is entered in the "Enter Name" screen, the user will be able to access the secret note maker else the Shape Poppers game will begin. Thus the App Masking technique used in this game makes this  "Enter Name" screen very special and unique as this screen works like an entry to the Shape Popper game as well as the secret note maker.Also the "Enter Name" screen is purposely designed in the Shape Poppers game theme so that whoever uses it will think it is just a game. Thus no one else except you will ever know that, in reality, this simple Shape Poppers game is secretly masking the note maker by using the unique App Masking technique.As long as you have the "App Masking" on your iPhone/ iPod Touch/ iPad, do not feel hesitant to share them with others.Is'nt it such a relief !!!So now with the help of App Masking technique you can securely conceal secret information in a simple game for fun or profit.Key features of the Note Maker application:-1. Users can make unlimited number of notes.2. Facility to edit and save each note.3. App Masking technique protected for security Key features of the Shape Poppers game:-1. Simple and addictive game play.2. Unique sound effects3. Facebook & Twitter sharing.

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Shape Poppers!!-APP點子

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