



This is a universal application, for the first time ever, to bring the divine document to the users of Android Mobile. This application contains an explanation of The Shikshapatri in Swamiji’s own words and voice.

The Shikshapatri, originally written by Lord Swaminarayan on 11 February 1826 CE (Maha sud 5, 1882 VS), is read daily by the Swaminarayan devotees. it provides guidelines on every aspect of life - financial, managerial, social, ecological, and even health and hygiene.

We have launched a new app that allows devotees worldwide to have instant access to the Shikshapatri. The Shikshapatri app allows instant access to the key scripture of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, Lord Shree Swaminarayan write it himself, it outlines the moral and spiritual codes of conduct for every aspect of life.

We recommend you to read Shikkshapatri every day.

Features :=


- You can view the Shikshapatri offline,it allows you to work without an internet connection any time and anywhere.

- It contain detailed explanation of each shlok which is given in-depth understanding of the what the Lord has instructed us to do.

-We hope our Shikshapatri app for android will takes you one step closer to Shree Swaminarayan bhagvan.






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Shikshapatri APP LOGO

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Shikshapatri APP QRCode

Shikshapatri QRCode-APP點子
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The Little Whale

- หนังสือนิทาน interactive สำหรับเด็ก - สนุกกับภาพเคลื่อนไหวจากการสัมพัสหน้าจอ - มีเสียงพากษย์ภาษาไทย - สามารถอัดเสียงได้ -นิทานเรื่องนี้ได้รับแรงบันบ …