【實用教育app】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

Learning Bhagavad Gita App...This app, not only gives Bhagavad Gita in text and various audios but has wonderfully designed games which helps learning of the shloks.Following are salient features:- Bhagavad Gita with music downloads for various adhayays from various sources. - Choose music with just the recitation or recitation with meaning in Hindi or English - Shlok Script in Devnagari, Gujarati, and English- Games and App features designed using conclusions of Cognitive Science, Intuitive Language Learning Psychology and Natural Language Processing (NLP)- Methods and techniques of “MNEMONICS” (subject dedicated to memory training) used extensively- Shlok Word Learning Pushpa Mala Game for Play way method learning- REVERSE Pushpa Mala Word Learning Game designed for long term memory retention- Unique Shlok Line Sequence Game to make conscious connection of Shlok with it's number - Bhagavad Gita Music can be set as Ringtone and/or alarm.- Provided options to play only audioKeyword: Lord Kirhsna, Geeta, Gita, Arjun, Bhagwat Geetha, Shlokapp, Shlok, HinduNote: You can choose to get a ad free version by making a in-app purchase...

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

【免費教育App】ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita-APP點子

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免費玩ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita App

ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita APP LOGO

ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita LOGO-APP點子

ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita APP QRCode

ShlokApp Bhagwad Gita QRCode-APP點子
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[공식 전편 무료]내친구 호비-125편 무료 VOD

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i 模試 アマチュア無線4級 無線工学編

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