



ShoppingTime is an application which allows you to track your shopping procedures. It provides a simple way to record your shopping items, a straightforward style to browse your desired goods and a history list back to one year. In essence, it works as a shopping list, reminding you not to forget anything to buy. Furthermore, it provides the ability to create periodical shopping plans. Do you have to re-stock something every month? OK, it's just created for this. With extreme user experience, ShoppingTime has the confidence to be a handy assistant while you're enjoying your shopping time.

Key features:


- Accepts simple input for recording shopping items.

- Provides an advanced mode for specifying more details, including tags, descriptions, activation dates and recurrence configurations.

- Supports up to 3 custom tags for each shopping item.

- Provides a tagged shopping list, with the ability to switch among different categories.


- Supports to save the extra information while checking out an shopping item, including costs, payment methods and remarks.

- Provides a history list which dates back to 1 year, shown month by month.

- Provides the ability to change ShoppingTime settings.

- Supports multi-languages, including English(United States) and Chinese(China).


Support site: http://code.wegao.com


Update History:

V1.1.3500.4215: 11/15/2010

- Fixed a convertion bug in accepting invalid user input


- Modified some display texts for buttons

- Updated the artworks

V1.0.2600.4210: 11/10/2010


- First release


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免費玩ShoppingTime App

ShoppingTime APP LOGO

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ShoppingTime APP QRCode

ShoppingTime QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)Windows
Windows 市集



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