【實用教育app】Shore Regional High School|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Shore Regional High School|最夯免費app


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Put the latest school news and events in the palm of your hand.With the district app, you can keep up-to-date with relevant school news right from your mobile device. With just a touch of your finger, you can see:• Announcements• Headline news and information• Photos• Calendar of events• School directory • Lunch menusPersonalize your experience by subscribing to specific schools, making sure the information you care about most is always front and center in your news feed. Make sure you never miss an event by saving events on your phone’s calendar. If you are a site administrator, updating content to your district’s app and website can be done right from your mobile device.Sharing and receiving information about your K-12 school has never been easier.-----------------------------------------------IMPORTANTBY DOWNLOADING THE SCHOOLWIRES MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATION, YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE REVIEWED, AND ARE LEGALLY BOUND BY, THE SCHOOLWIRES TERMS OF USE. IF YOU ARE A MINOR (IN MOST STATES, UNDER THE AGE OF 18) YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN READ AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS BEFORE YOU USE THE APP. BY DOWNLOADING THIS APP, YOU ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE REVIEWED AND AGREE TO THE SCHOOLWIRES PRIVACY POLICY.YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT NEEDS TO ACTIVATE THE SCHOOLWIRES MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS APP FOR THIS APP TO WORK PROPERLY.TERMS OF USE AND PRIVACY POLICYhttp://www.schoolwires.com/terms http://www.schoolwires.com/privacySchoolwires, Inc Web Site

【免費教育App】Shore Regional High School-APP點子

【免費教育App】Shore Regional High School-APP點子

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