【實用娛樂app】Shrinathji Chalisa,Bhajan,Pics|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Shrinathji Chalisa,Bhajan,Pics|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Shrinathji Chalisa,Bhajan,Pics-APP點子

This application is a combination of Shrinath Chalisa, Shrinath Bhajan and Lord Shrinath Wallpaper themes.

Shrinathji is a form of Hindu god Krishna, manifest as a seven-year-old child (Balak). The principal shrine of Shrinathji is situated at the temple town of Nathdwara, located 48 Kilometers North-east of Udaipur city in Rajasthan.

You will be happy to see such a nice collection of Lord Shrinath Wallpapers in one single application with Shrinath Chalisa in Video and Mp3 and also includes Shrinath ji ki Bhajan in Video and Mp3.

【免費娛樂App】Shrinathji Chalisa,Bhajan,Pics-APP點子

Get Live Darshan of Shrinath ji Hd Wallpapers with Shrinath Chalisa and Shrinath ji Bhajan.

$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$

This application is dedicate to Lord Shrinath.

【免費娛樂App】Shrinathji Chalisa,Bhajan,Pics-APP點子


All the rights and Copyright are reserved to the owner and we only get it from public domain free. If any copyright or violation of policies in this app then mail us.

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