【實用解謎app】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)-APP點子

Skewed Cube 2x2 is a 3D twisty puzzle with face turns and corner turns. In face turns, half of the cube can be turned around its face axes, while in corner turns, half of the cube can be turned around its diagonal axes.

Flicking any colored triangle along its edges / hypotenuse will trigger a face / corner turn;

Flicking to left or right in the black area at the upper half of the screen to play back and forth.

This puzzle can also be played as Cube 2x2 when corner turns are disabled or as Skewed Cube when face turns are disabled. No physical cubes of this prototype have ever been made. This puzzle is harder to solve than Rubik’s Cube (魔方)2x2.

Featuring: smooth graphics, easy controls, 3 puzzles in one, tricks library, demo solutions, solutions and tricks can be saved on SD card and can be shared with friends, shortest move challenge.

v1.5: Five Demo Solutions for each puzzle added

v1.6: Puzzle's current state can be saved onto SD card, it can be loaded in later, it can also be shared with other players

v2.0 Tricks library added

v2.3 animation speed control added

v2.33 shortest move challenge added

v2.35 shortest move leaders added

v2.39 long swipe will forward to end or backward to start

v2.43 color scheme changed to classic, skewed cube unlocked

【免費解謎App】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant)-APP點子

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免費玩Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant) App

Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant) APP LOGO

Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant) LOGO-APP點子

Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant) APP QRCode

Skewed (Rubiks Cube Variant) QRCode-APP點子
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