【實用運動app】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer|最夯免費app


【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

SkiApp allows you to track and analyze your skiing or snowboarding performance using your Android smartphone!

Receiving the GPS signal the SkiApp captures your movements and analyzes them offline using the computational power of your smartphone. This way your skiing stage is separated into tracks of following types: Downhill, lift, walk and hold.

These tracks are used to maintain detailed statistics for each stage. Particularly the statistics contain following elements:

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

1. Downhill, lift and walk distance,

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

2. Summed height for downhill and lift tracks,

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

3. Average speed,

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

4. Maximal speed,

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

5. and many, many more!

Moreover there is detailed information available about each track. It even allows you to graphically display and analyze each track in deep directly on the smartphone.

In comparison to other Ski-Tracker apps the SkiApp offers much more:

1. For the computation of the velocity and distance it also considers the vertical movement. Other Apps do only provide the velocity and distance in the horizontal plane. They become inaccurate in a steep slope. This is why velocty and distance values of the SkiApp are a bit higher than of other Apps.

2. SkiApp is the one and only app capable of separating your skiing day into informative tracks like downhill or lift. Lift tracks are recognized properly for ascent and descent rides as well. Other Apps handle the complete skiing day as one single track deriving their poor statistics simply on the base of the ascent and descent height.

3. The SkiApp works very sparing. The analysis is specially optimized utilizing the CPU and memory as low as possible.

4. SkiApp protects your privacy! The complete analysis of movements is performed completely on the smartphone. There is no registration required and the captured information is not send over the internet at all! In contrast other Apps often acquire to many unnecessary access rights during installation to collect information about you for purposes not known to you. The SkiApp uses the Internet connection only to download the map.

5. SkiApp is able to announce the current speed using voice capabilities of the smartphone. The announcement occurs in short intervals during a downhill run. When you are riding a lift, walking around or waiting there is no announcement to avoid worrying anybody. The voice announcement keeps you well informed about your performance even during a downhill run. There is no other App with similar Feature!

6. The PRO version of the SkiApp allows you to export the recorded data in Google's KMZ file format to the USB storage of your smartphone. The KMZ file may be used with Google Earth and Google Maps. Google Earth displays single tracks or complete stages in 3D allowing detailed analysis of your performance at your PC.

Because of the continuous usage of the GPS signal the SkiApp increases the power consumption of your smartphone to around 6 to 10 percent per hour. If there are other active GPS Apps on your smartphone the additional power consumption for the SkiApp is around 1 Percent per hour only. To reduce the battery load it is recommended to disable the GPS functionality during the lunch break.

Have a lot of fun with the SkiApp! Please support the development by getting the SkiApp PRO!

【免費運動App】SkiApp PRO - THE Ski Computer-APP點子

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