【實用個人化app】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme-APP點子

Skyscraper C Launcher Theme

If you are actually bored out of your Home screen without any unique charms and you are looking for romantic and lovely theme for your phone, this theme is not your second choice. The color match is cool and of visual enjoyment. You will love this theme because of its beautiful color and design. Now, just “dress up” your Android device with delicate themes. Go Ahead and find the brand new theme for CLauncher and customize and personalize your android device.

Skyscraper C Launcher Theme is compatible to the wallpapers and lockers of similar products. Download Skyscraper C Launcher Theme and have a try now! This is not only a launcher you can use to beautify your phone, but also a smart master to manage your device.

★★★Features ★★★

- 1 theme with 3 wallpapers & 40+ icons

- Exquisite app icons, wallpapers, folder and app drawer interface

★★★How to apply a theme ★★★

- Install 'CLauncher' (if you haven’t yet) on Google Play:


- Press the home button and set the CLauncher as the default home launcher

- Open the launcher menu by select [beautify center]and apply the theme of your choice. That’s all.

Thank you for downloading our Skyscraper C Launcher Theme. If you like this launcher theme, please leave a positive review. Your support will inspire us to design more themes. Thank you!

Feel free to contact us:

E-mail: Clauncher@cyou-inc.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clauncher

【免費個人化App】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme-APP點子

【免費個人化App】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme-APP點子

【免費個人化App】Skyscraper C Launcher Theme-APP點子

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Skyscraper C Launcher Theme APP LOGO

Skyscraper C Launcher Theme LOGO-APP點子

Skyscraper C Launcher Theme APP QRCode

Skyscraper C Launcher Theme QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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