



**As featured on the NHS Choices Health Apps Library** Used by professional athletes, Olympians, and coaches; Sleepora is not just an app, it’s a comprehensive program designed to help those people suffering from stress, insomnia and sleeplessness as well as people interested in improving sleep for performance and recovery. “…am loving it. So many different aspects to it and love the simple plans” – Phil Greening, Elite Rugby Coach & Former England Rugby PlayerUnlike many other apps and programs the full Sleepora app program provides solutions that help tackle the root cause of sleeplessness rather than just the symptoms or measuring symptoms. To compare Sleepora with other sleep solutions go to Sleepora.comMust See Facts: http://bit.ly/Comprehensive-Insomnia-Cures148Apps.com say: This is one of the better sleep apps that I have seen available as it provides many solutions and doesn’t focus on one area like meditation, hypnosis, or white noise. It’s a comprehensive sleep program that some might find worthy of exploring.“I found it managed to help me become more focused and my sleep has improved”- James Tyas, Professional Rugby PlayerSleepora is the closest app out there to replicate the comprehensive solution of a sleep clinic or coach. The program includes more than you'll ever need to help you overcome your insomnia and sleeplessness problems.Sleepora combines insomnia focused Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) exercises, neuroscience, uniquely designed brain entrainment audio to effectively not only improve sleep quality but also help to maintain it. It also includes the latest sleep hygiene (changing your sleeping environment) and dietary tips to help you sleep better.The Sleepora program has been designed around our circadian rhythms (or 24 hour cycle) to get you back into balance with your normal sleep patterns.Features- Over 24 separate bespoke brain entrainment audio tracks (binaural beats and isochronic tones). Audio length for each track starts from 4 mins upwards (total amount of audio available to access in the app is nearly 15 hours)- 24 simple yet effective NLP exercises- Choice of 8 Program plans to choose from (you choose the best one for you based on your lifestyle, etc.)- Tracker built into the system so you can measure improvement- Bespoke audio and exercises for different times of the day - Ability to set up personal milestones within the program - Comprehensive guide (sleep hygiene) to improve your sleep patterns by adapting your environment- Comprehensive sleep glossary - so you can better understand your sleep condition symptoms (why they are occurring) - Powerful breathing and relaxation exercises to help you reduce stress and anxiety- Powerful motivational metaphors to inspire you- Once set up the app will guide you through the exercises and audio and will alert you regarding your program.Our website has lots of useful help and information about relaxation, sleeping better and the Sleepora program itself. Please feel free to contact us with any queries you have via our help page on the site. Following purchase you will also be able to contact Sleepora customer care for support. Testimonials"I have enjoyed reading the eBook and began the process of setting the outcomes and goals. I'm interested in completing the whole system as it was designed. I really like the concept of Sleepora... " - Lex Albrecht, International Pro Cyclist'With work pressures and family life I was letting stress get the better of me. Since using the Sleepora program I'm now more relaxed and am exercising a lot more. I feel much better. The program is great and I'd highly recommend it for anyone having stress or trouble sleeping'. - Javier, Madrid, Spain










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Cartas Zener

Practica con el poder de tu mente.Elige la opción que crees que va a salir y espera al resultado.¡Esta app utiliza generadores de números aleatorios i …

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