【實用解謎app】Small Town - Murdery Mystery|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Small Town - Murdery Mystery|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Small Town - Murdery Mystery-APP點子

Small town drama turns a late night bar fight into an unsolved murder!

Was it the Farmer with the pitchfork?

The Rancher with the revolver?

The Judge with the gavel?

【免費解謎App】Small Town - Murdery Mystery-APP點子

The Barber with the razor blade?

The Bartender with the shotgun?

...or the Newcomer with his rifle?

Figure out who the killer is with a group of friends! The application can be used with one phone or with multiple devices!

Optimal group size: 6

Optimal age range: 13 – 97

The game is part of a series of murder mystery applications, made by Meteor Applications. These mystery applications are great for parties, including any ol' random gathering, a dinner party, or a Halloween party. Enjoy!

Developed by: Tyler Gruhn

Written by: Fred Klinker

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Small Town - Murdery Mystery APP LOGO

Small Town - Murdery Mystery LOGO-APP點子

Small Town - Murdery Mystery APP QRCode

Small Town - Murdery Mystery QRCode-APP點子
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