【實用生產應用app】Smart Phone|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Smart Phone|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

Smart Phone makes your phone and tablet even smarter.

Create profiles with conditions(i.e. Location,Time,...) and settings(i.e. Wifi, Brightness,...). If all conditions apply, the profile gets activated and the settings applied.

Once a profile is activated, it will remain until one condition no longer applies. Then the previous settings get restored.

With the new and better widget for your home screen, you can't just see which profile is currently active, you also can manually can deactivate it and activate other profiles.

You will see, there are nearly endless possibilities and situations where Smart Phone can save you a lot of work and sometimes even some trouble.


* Location

* Time

* SMS text

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

* Battery

* Weekday

* Wifi network


* WiFi

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

* Mobile data

* Bluetooth

* Brightness

* Ringer (i.e. Silent & Vibration)

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

* Custom volumes

* Airplane mode


The profile for your home

A profile, that ensures, that your smartphone always rings and turns on your Wifi when you come home. Additionally you can add a time condition, so that the profile just gets activated at day time.

A profile for the night

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

Never get awakened by unintentional SMS or Emails. Create a profile, which turns your smartphone silent during a specific time at night. With the toggle-back-function you can ensure, that it's ringing again after this time.

You can't find your smartphone in your room and it's turned silent?

No Problem if you have a profile which reacts on a specific text in a SMS. Turn ringing on, call it and I'm sure you'll find it again.


* Workplace

* School

* Low battery

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

* ...

【免費生產應用App】Smart Phone-APP點子

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