【實用棋類遊戲app】Snakes and Ladders|最夯免費app

【實用棋類遊戲app】Snakes and Ladders|最夯免費app


【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

Enjoy one of the most popular board games with superb graphics, multiple boards and player skins.

Originated in India, Snakes and Ladders is also known as Parcheesi or Chutes and ladders. Players take turn to roll the dice and player moves forward by the number on the dice. Players move up ladders and fall down from snakes when bitten. First player to reach last square wins.

Features include -

1) 6 wonderful boards -

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

- Elegant Green and White

- Vivid Red and White

- Soothing Yellow and White

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

- Sunset yellowish orange

- Rainbow

- Sparkling diamonds

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

2) Supports 4 maximum players

3) Play against maximum 3 android players

4) Human players instead of traditional coins

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

5) 6 exciting player skins -

- Mr Arjun

- Captain America

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

- Cool Cap

- Cute Girl

- Pony Tail

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

- Red Dress

6) Play/Mute music

7) Dice roll dynamics

【免費棋類遊戲App】Snakes and Ladders-APP點子

8) Save Highscores for 4 players

Select android players as competitors and watch them roll dice, move forward, challenge you and add to the fun

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免費玩Snakes and Ladders App

Snakes and Ladders APP LOGO

Snakes and Ladders LOGO-APP點子

Snakes and Ladders APP QRCode

Snakes and Ladders QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play