



We wondered if we could make sofa shopping a bit smarter. It turns out we can, with the NEW Sofaworks App. This clever little app is jam packed with a whole host of useful tools designed to make finding the right sofa a relaxed and enjoyable experience.

- Connect your journey across desktop, tablet and mobile

- Interact with products in-store

- Durability, Comfort and Maintenance ratings on every product

- Choose swatches by colour, lifestyle or price


- Find your nearest store

- Request a call back from our team

- Shortlist your favourite sofas

At Sofaworks, we believe in hassle free sofa shopping, we think you should have time and space to browse as many sofas as you like and get all of the information you need to help make the right decision, effortlessly.


Our new app tracks your journey, storing all of the products you have ‘touched’ online and in store as well as offering you tailored recommendations based on the sofa ranges you’ve viewed.

You can shortlist your favourite products and even work out a monthly repayment plan with our handy finance calculator.

In store, it’s a sofa expert in your pocket. Sit on any sofa in our collection and the App will push key product information to you to help you better understand and explore the range.


And our unique Comfort, Durability and Maintenance ratings help you to choose a sofa that’s perfect for your lifestyle.

The app can even help you with the next steps, if you’re ready to sit down, put your feet up and really get a feel for your sofa, our built-in store finder lets you locate your nearest Sofaworks store.


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免費玩Sofaworks App

Sofaworks APP LOGO

Sofaworks LOGO-APP點子

Sofaworks APP QRCode

Sofaworks QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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تطبيق رائع به أجمل الخلفيات والرمزيات التى يمكن ان تفاجأ بها حبيبكحرفه وحرفك معا كى ترتبطا الى الابد حملوه الان متجدد باستمرار免費玩حرفك وحرف حبيبك APP玩免 …