



This game is meant for kids 5 years old and older. Sort-a-Pal helps kids learn how to sort numbers chronologically. This is a technique used across America in first, second, and third grades.

To begin, the player must choose a low number and a high number and then hit "Get Started". Each round has 4, 6, or 8 globes with a number. The number will be in between the two numbers the player picked at the beginning of the game.

The player will get a 3 second count and then they must sort (by tapping) the colored globes in order from smallest to largest before the timer runs out.

If you sort the globe correctly, you get a green check. If you sort the globe incorrectly, you get a red X and you lose 250 points. You must sort all the globes correctly to complete each round.

After each round, the player will receive a score and a star rating. There are 3 rounds in all.

After the final round, the player will receive a final score and a final star rating. If the score is high enough, the player can save the score on the devices top ten list.

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Sort-a-Pal APP LOGO

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Sort-a-Pal APP QRCode

Sort-a-Pal QRCode-APP點子
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