【實用工具app】Sound ID EarPrint|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Sound ID EarPrint|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Sound ID EarPrint-APP點子

ONLY for Sound ID Bluetooth Headsets

EarPrint App is a companion software for Sound ID Bluetooth Headsets (Models: SIX, 510, 512).

The EarPrint app, with the swirl of a finger, has the ability to personalize the audio characteristics of the Sound ID headsets in all 3 audio modes ...headset, music/media and Pass Thru. The PersonalSound feature is designed because "everyone hears differently" and has their own unique EarPrint. The goal of Personal Sound is to maximize speech understanding and clarity while keeping the listener in a comfortable listening range.

The tools include a selectable In-Call LED Status indicator, "Find My Headset" feature to locate your lost headset, SMS will play the incoming Text Messages in your headset automatically, and Pass Thru Mode which amplifies when you're not on a call so you hear equally with both ears.

【免費工具App】Sound ID EarPrint-APP點子

The Battery Status will tell you the remaining battery level and a Sound Level Meter feature displays the sound level at your ear.

This version of the EarPrint also supports VoiceMenu customization.

And this is only the beginning.....

Supports Android 2.1 or higher.

Headset Firmware 5.3.6 or higher required. This could be checked on the EarPrint Battery page. For upgrade instructions see the “Support” section in: http://www.soundid.com

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免費玩Sound ID EarPrint App

Sound ID EarPrint APP LOGO

Sound ID EarPrint LOGO-APP點子

Sound ID EarPrint APP QRCode

Sound ID EarPrint QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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