【實用教育app】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!!-APP點子

This app is a simple education tool for learning languages. This app can speak both English and Korean. And you can save as many words as you like! It's a really useful tool for studying. You know, anyone can soon forget new words that they've learned but this app gives you the solution for that. With this app you can save new words and listen again later when you commute, before a test, while driving, or when running and exercising. Anytime, anywhere, you can study English and Korean and you won't miss a word once you have learned it. And this app has an automatic translation function, so you can translate words easily. Main Functions: ・Make your own playlists via the app's keyboard ・No-limit word saving! Make as many word pairs as you like (※Light version saves only 12 pairs and 10 playlists). ・Text-to-speech functions.・Adjustable volume and speed for your learning pace ・Choose the language you want to hear first ・Repeat function ・Auto-play functions ・Background playing function ・Spelling test function (Pro version only) ・Works with WI-FI, 3G, and other networks ※Fee applies for Pro version upgrade※Upgraded version includes unlimited word saving and no ads!

【免費教育App】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!!-APP點子

【免費教育App】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!!-APP點子

【免費教育App】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!!-APP點子

【免費教育App】SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!!-APP點子

免費玩SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! APP玩免費

免費玩SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! App

SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! APP LOGO

SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! LOGO-APP點子

SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! APP QRCode

SoundFlash Korean/ English playlists maker. Make your own playlists and learn new languages with the SoundFlash Series!! QRCode-APP點子
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