【實用街機app】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey|最夯免費app

【實用街機app】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey|最夯免費app


【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

A runner in the space, holds a fighter's grace.

Albert Einstein, a zombie with brains, was abducted by the notorious Hakalukis from planet Banglas by the bandits of planet Sudum. There he was subjected to hell breaking experiments- monkeyfied and left to rot in the hell of Sudum. He escaped God knows how, stole a rocket, demon knows how and all set to return to his home. But there is one teeny tiny disaster, he doesn't know how to fly a rocket! Now come on, have mercy and show him the way through space avoiding the dangers, only the game knows what or Die Trying!!

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

Space Runner is an insanely interactive arcade game brought to you by Technext Studios with the craziest graphics and gameplay that will make you experience the thrill and adventure of a complete gaming suite where a lost monkey is looking upon you to show the way through the dangers of unsafe space planets and nebulas to his own home planet. Race through the levels filled with horror and catastrophes the vicious space of future poses and carry out your courage and skills to accomplish something you've never accomplished before. Hail to the monkey and the space!

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

A few features of Space Runner brings to you are,

★ Story based gameplay.

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

★ Level based graphics.

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

★ Convenient navigation through the system.

★ Easy-to-master controls with accelerometer and touch.

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

★ Classic arcade game dynamics.

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

★ Fantasy/fiction storyline.

★ Ecstatic look and feel provided with unity 3d engine.

【免費街機App】Space Runner - The Lost Monkey-APP點子

★ Along with numerous other features, the gameplay consists collecting coins, avoiding obstacles, stars for distinction and watching videos to earn bananas & revive.

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