【實用娛樂app】Space Sounds: Deep Relaxation|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Space Sounds: Deep Relaxation|最夯免費app


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Is there sound in space? Absolutely!

Although there is no air in space, there is vibration. Space does not have the medium of air to carry the vibration to your ear, but the vibration is present. With the specialized recording equipment aboard Voyager, it became possible to record these amazing space sounds for the first time and then hear them here on Earth.

These space sounds recordings came from the interaction of the Solar wind and the Ionosphere of each of the outer planets. The resonance of these ions is exactly within the range of human hearing (20-20,000 Hz) - called by NASA "Ion Acoustic Waves". This means that nothing had to be done artificially to the sounds to hear them – They were the REAL "Music of the Spheres".

The voyager space sounds can cause a deep response of relaxation and subconscious release. You may well have an "astounding" experience in listening to the "Real Music of The Spheres.” It is like -- A Deep Call from Home. Many enjoy a “drug-free” trip to that place, wherever that place might be for the individual!

The recordings include:

- Voice of Earth

- Rings of Uranus

- Saturn's Rings

- Saturn

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- Neptune

- Uranus

- Jupiter

- Miranda

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- Sphere of IO

- Song of Earth

In 1989, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A. was approached by representatives working with NASA and JPL to explore a series of powerful recordings which the Voyager I & II Spacecraft had sent back from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These space sound recordings seemed to be having a profound effect on the scientists and researchers who were exposed to them. Dr. Thompson was approached as an expert in the field of sound and healing, and especially in his work with "Primordial Sounds.” Primordial sounds are human body sounds and nature sounds formatted in special ways to cause a deep response in the subconscious mind. These are extremely useful in all levels of healing. Could the space sounds actually be Primordial Sounds, also – from outer space but strangely familiar to us?

Dr. Thompson was invited to research the possible meaning and applications of the use of these NASA Space Sound Recordings from the planets in healing and their possible beneficial effects on the subconscious mind.

These sounds were remarkably similar to explorations Dr. Thompson had been making into what he called "Primordial Sounds” - sounds recorded from the human body, breath, heart, blood, organs, etc., as well as nature sound recordings all speeded up, slowed down, formatted to impact the subconscious mind in a positive manner.

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