【實用教育app】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool-APP點子

Official tool of the NASA Space & Rocket Center"I have worked with other apps that are far more expensive, but do not have the features that Speech Hero does."- Mary Mahon theimum.com"Use it to establish a basic communication system with a child with autism, while someone else might see it bring instant communication success to an adult who has recently suffered a stroke. It’s that powerful and it’s that flexible."- speech-languageapps.comGet SpeechHero up to 50% off through bulk purchases.SpeechHero is an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) app. It is designed for fun, fast creation of phrases with minimal training. Designed over 9 months with students, parents, SLPs, OT's and AAC experts, SpeechHero is a simple and effective companion.SpeechHero features:- Over 6000 unique tiles provded by SymbolStix©- 7 unique Text-to-Speech voices by Acapela©- Predictive tap-and-type mode with thousands of common utterances- Creation of tiles from photos, web images, anywhere- Powerful edit mode with the ability to reorganize the entire interfaceFor more information, including videos, voice samples or to talk to us, visit SpeechHero.com

【免費教育App】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool-APP點子

【免費教育App】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool-APP點子

【免費教育App】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool-APP點子

【免費教育App】SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool-APP點子

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SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool LOGO-APP點子

SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool APP QRCode

SpeechHero AAC - The ultimate speech board and communication tool QRCode-APP點子
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