



Speed Calc is an iPhone application that is used to calculate the transfer time of a file over a network, hard drive or serial connection. The user interface has been kept simple and clean to help make navigation and selection with a single finger a snap. No on-screen keyboards needed.The size of the file can be entered in either binary or decimal sizes. For example, in decimal notation 1 kilobyte equals 1000 bytes. While in binary notation 1 kibibyte equals 1024 bytes. The digits and units of the file size are selected using a rotating wheel control.The connection type can be selected from either a shortened list of common connections, or the full list of over 90 connection types. The user selects the desired connection speed using a rotating wheel control.The transfer time for the file is calculated and displayed on the main screen when a file size is entered and a connection speed is selected. The resulting time is shown in an appropriate scale, from femtoseconds to millennia.Features- simple to use user interface design- supports both binary and decimal file sizes- supports over 90 types of network connections- calculated transfer time is shown in one of thirteen time scales





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