



Forget all of those iPhone IQ tests out there - SpeedCardz is the way to REALLY put your skills to the test! Think you can do math in your head faster than anyone else? Well, now SpeedCardz gives you a way to PROVE IT! :)With worldwide leaderboards for multiplication and addition tables all the way up to 20x20, SpeedCardz is the only flash card App that makes learning fun!We've included all the features of the best-selling classic 'FlashCardz' and taken everything up a notch. You can choose from four playing modes:* Practice: Just like the classic 'FlashCardz' - you choose the number range and card type (addition or multiplication) that you want to practice, and if you'd like to replay incorrect cards* Sprint: Up to 5+5 or 5x5 tables - includes worldwide leaderboard and no replays* Classic: Take it up a notch to 12x12 - includes worldwide leaderboard and no replays* Marathon: The ultimate in skill and endurance up to 20x20 - includes worldwide leaderboard and no replaysAnd now there's no need to worry about interruptions because you can pause the game at any time and resume without any scoring penalty! So, when you're ready to tackle that Marathon game, you can take a few breaks if you need to cross the finish line :)SpeedCardz uses the worldwide leader in social gaming for mobile platforms - Agon Online. (www.agon-online.com) You can post your scores to worldwide and local leaderboards, as well as share your triumphs with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. So, are you ready to challenge your know-it-all brother in law to a real throw down? Or how about motivating your 8 year old to master her multiplication tables by setting a score goal? The possibilities are limitless with SpeedCardz!





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