【實用交通運輸app】Speedometer App|最夯免費app

【實用交通運輸app】Speedometer App|最夯免費app


【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

This application helps to calculate the average velocity over a given distance. Use this to measure e.g. your walking and running speed or to calibrate your car speedometer. It doesn't use GPS so it works on the iPod Touch as well.How to use:1. Find a known distance and enter it into the Distance field.2. Get ready and press Start when you are at the start point.3. The time and the calculated speed are updated live during measurement. 4. Press Stop when you reach the end point.5. Press Restart when you want to start again or Resume when you want to go on and add to your current values.You can change the distance during or after measurement.It keeps a history list of your old measurements. Everytime you press Stop the current values are added to the history. You can email the history data for further processing and remove data entries from the history.

【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】Speedometer App-APP點子

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Speedometer App APP LOGO

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Speedometer App APP QRCode

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