【實用角色扮演app】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick|最夯免費app

【實用角色扮演app】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick|最夯免費app


【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

It is dare to you, how long you can oppose the speed.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

We are proudly present our new game Free Fall down 3d - Gravity based falling and rolling of marbles ball. This game is targeted to those gamers who love the puzzle and action based games. In this game you can test your presence of mind and game playing speed. All you have to do just download the game and jump into funland.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

About game Play:

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

In this game a 3d marble ball is freely falling under the speed of gravity. But there are many obstacles and bricks in the way of falling tilt ball. Your target is to rotate the gta free fall ball in the obstacles free path. If the ball stick in the obstacle it will smash and crash after collapsing with the roof. It is dare to you, how long you can save the dragon ball from crashing with the roof and compare your game playing speed with your friends and family.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子


【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* Handle the direction of roller ball with two tap buttons on the bottom of game screen and force it freely fall.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* Pause the game at any movement with pause button placed at top left corner.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* After game over switch to Main Menu screen or replay the falldown game.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* As long you survive the fly ball from the speed of game will be increase and the environment of falling bounce ball will be changed.

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* Find more games from main menu e.g (gravity games, game marbles, free fall games, falldown game, rolling games)

【免費角色扮演App】Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick-APP點子

* Control the background music of fall down game.

* Rate the game if you find it lovely to play speedy ball.

* High score record in free fall game.

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Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick APP LOGO

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Speedy Ball Target Cross Brick APP QRCode

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香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play



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