【實用社交app】Spindle plus for L|最夯免費app

【實用社交app】Spindle plus for L|最夯免費app


【免費社交App】Spindle plus for L-APP點子

Spindle plus for L is girls only social and communication application to expand your search on same-gender friends and peers, so you can become true picture of yourself and enrich your daily life. Through Spindle plus for L, you can always connect to your friends and peers nearby at anywhere you are.
After your profile is registered, share your thoughts or message at "Live! Message”. Look for peers nearby at Home screen, and follow other members if you are interested.Comment “Gee!” when you like other members’ posts.Send a “heart” to people you like, or ask for private chat.Find more friends when you are making a trip!
Let’s get connected with your friends and peers at Spindle plus for L!Note: Spindle plus for L allows user registration to over-17 female only. Posting sexually explicit or doubtful contents is prohibited and targeted for deletion without notice.

【免費社交App】Spindle plus for L-APP點子

【免費社交App】Spindle plus for L-APP點子

【免費社交App】Spindle plus for L-APP點子

【免費社交App】Spindle plus for L-APP點子

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免費玩Spindle plus for L App

Spindle plus for L APP LOGO

Spindle plus for L LOGO-APP點子

Spindle plus for L APP QRCode

Spindle plus for L QRCode-APP點子
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