



Squigglers is for work or play!For work, take pictures with you iOS device and draw on the image. Send it to your coworkers or store it on your camera roll.To play Squigglers, players enter their names into the name text boxes in the first screen then press the Play Game button. The first player selects a colored pencil and squiggles on the screen then presses the Next Player (right arrow on the top right-hand side of the screen) button. The next player must attempt to complete the drawing into a recognizable object (such as an animal, building, landscape, etc.) When the second player's turn is over, press the Next Player button. Use the eraser to erase portions of the drawing turning them white. Continue adding to the drawing screen until you cannot add any additional features (grass, mountains, birds, etc.) The last person to squiggle wins!To Save Or Send Your Squiggle:
You can save your Squiggle by pressing the Paper Airplane icon on the screen. Select the Save To Camera Roll button to save your Squiggle. You can also use social media to send your Squiggle to you Facebook page or Tweet it. You must have your account set up on you iOS device for this to work.

To Squiggle On Pictures:
Click on the camera icon on the screen. Select either Choose Picture or Take Picture buttons. Click the Done button to move the camera image on to your Squiggle drawing area.

To Change Colors, Brush Size, Opacity:
Click the Settings icon to change the brush size by using the slider. You can change the opacity using the slider also. You can make your own color by sliding the red, green and blue sliders until you get the color you want.

To Clear The Screen:
Press the Trash Can icon.

To Start A New Game:
Press the big red X icon on the top left-hand portion of the screen.










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