【實用書籍app】StarLog Free|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】StarLog Free|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

StarLog© Free allows you to log your astronomical observations in the field, right there behind your telescope while you are looking at the object. You no longer need to jot down a few short scribbles on damp paper by the dim light of a red flashlight. You can just log your observations directly on your Android device!

You simply specify which object you are looking at, which telescope and eyepiece you are using, and a simple tap on a button brings you to a prefilled form to log your observation.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

You can enter all your astronomical gear, even filters and barlow lenses.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

To make sure you don't ruin your night vision, StarLog© Free features a night vision mode that turns the whole interface red, including the keyboard and all pop-up windows! You can even turn the brightness of the app down to a comfortable level.

You can full-text search through all your observations and sort them in various ways. StarLog© Free can export 5 of your observations in the OpenAstronomyLog format (OAL 2.0), for maximum compatibility with your other astronomical software. Support for exporting 5 observations to DeepSkyLog.be is built into StarLog© Free by default. Deepskylog is very popular in Europe. To make it easier to discuss your observations with others, StarLog allows you to make a screenshot of the observation, so that you can post it on forums or include it in e-mails.

To make your transition to StarLog© Free as painless as possible, you can import 5 observations and instruments from apps like 'Stargazing Log' and 'FOViewer (full or trial)'.

Limitations compared to the full version of StarLog©:

- No search option for objects.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

- No restore option for backups.

- Only 5 observations can be exported to either CSV or OAL format.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

- Only 5 observations can be imported from apps like 'Stargazing Log' and 'FOViewer (full or trial)'.

- Only 10 objects can be imported per observation list.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

- No text-to-speech option.

- No voice recording functionality.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

- Ad in the logging screen and details screen.

- No integration with SkEye for Go To/Push To functionality.

You can try/test the app in EVERY BROWSER by going here:


Keywords: Astronomy log logging observations deepsky astro

Ondersteund ook de Nederlandse taal.

【免費書籍App】StarLog Free-APP點子

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