【實用健康app】Stefan's boxing timer|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Stefan's boxing timer|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

Stefan's boxing timer is an application for timing any interval exercises. It is suitable for boxing, working out or even playing Activity board game. Be creative with its use.

Imagine a situation where you work with a punching bag together with your partner. You punch it for 30s while your partner is holding the bag. After 30s you hold it and your partner throws punches. This goes on for set number of rounds or until you are exhausted. This is a perfect situation for Stefan's boxing timer.

You can set

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

- the length of a round

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

- the length of a break

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

- if you want a warning about the coming end of the round/break

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

- if you want to work for fixed number of rounds or continuously

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

- if you want to keep the screen on while the timer runs

It is easy to tell if the current interval is a round or a break by the colour of the background. The end of a round/break is announced by a loud bell (volume is adjustable). This program works also with the screen turned off and in any orientation. You can play your favourite music, run the program on the background and work out.

【免費健康App】Stefan's boxing timer-APP點子

Stay in the flow, keep focus and feel great!


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