【實用書籍app】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin-APP點子

Pepper the Penguin is a silly little bird. But he can't fly, because penguins just can't. But that won't stop him. See what happens when he takes matters into his own hands and takes to the sky....

With full 3d pages, large buttons and silly characters,Pepper the Penguin breaks the mold and provides an engaging easy way to start reading.

The Lite version offers:

★ "Read To Me" — Auto-Play that actually helps. This setting allows you reader to "watch" the story unfold, with narration at a reasonable speed so they can keep up with the words.

★ Silly sound effects will keep your reader laughing and learning

★ AUTOPLAY that WORKS: What is the point of auto play that goes faster than you can keep up? With the StoryBoards series, auto play is not to fast or too slow and each word 'pops' up so their is no question as to which word is being spoken.

【免費書籍App】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin-APP點子

Purchase the full version to unlock these additional features!!!

★ "I Can Read" — read the book by touching the large "word blocks" to hear the words. Swipe left or right to change page.

EASY TOUCH WORDS: By simplifying the story and making the words larger, your child will be able to pick the exact word they are curious about and hear it with clear audio narration.

SIGHT WORDS: These are key to early readers and this book is full of them. The story is simplified and very easy to pick up and loaded with sight words.

ACTION WORDS: In each page, certain words trigger goofy 3D animations to help tell the story. Each one is a surprise and will excite readers once they've found them.

Additional Features:

★ Full filled 3D animations

【免費書籍App】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin-APP點子

★ Individual words bounce and are read aloud when tapped

★ Silly sound effects will keep your reader laughing and learning

GO TO omegabluestudio.com on you Desktop to Play Full Version before you buy!!!

【免費書籍App】StoryBoardsLite Pepper Penguin-APP點子

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