【實用工具app】StripEase Lite|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】StripEase Lite|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】StripEase Lite-APP點子

Face it, maintaining your pool chemistry can be a daunting task.  Liquid water tests are messy and complicated.  You need to fill the the vile, count the drops, swirl... wait to see if the color changes, wonder how much it should change, try to remember how many drops you put in... look for something to write down how many drops! It can be a real pain!

Thankfully, modern science has brought us great products like AquaChek® Test Strips. Simply remove the strip from the bottle, dip it in your pool for a few seconds and wala!  The little pads on the strip react with your water and change color.  But now what? Your standing there holding that little strip with its now colorful pads that mean absolutely nothing to you. But wait, right there on the back of that bottle that the strips came in, there is a chart you can use to match your meaningless colors to numbers which probably mean even less to you!

Now you have to find the manual, and a calculator, then using the cryptic chemical charts try to figure out what you need to add to the pool so the kids can swim again!

There is no question that test strips are quicker and easier then liquid water tests, however, neither do more then give you the hard numbers, when all you really want is Directions!

That's where Strip Ease comes in!  Dip your strip then match the pads to the pads on your iPhone or iPod touch, hit Prescription and instantly you have a set of step by step directions on what you need to do before the kids can get swimming again!


【免費工具App】StripEase Lite-APP點子

• Supports 19 of the most popular test strip brands*

(Lite version comes with one free strip reader)

• Links to Safari to search for each supported strip

( so you can find a shop near you to buy the test strips)

• In-App Emailing of Test Results

• Pool Test History

• Results/History Printing via AirPrint

• Built-In Water Volume Calculator

• Metric or Imperial standards

【免費工具App】StripEase Lite-APP點子

• Large Easy to Read and Adjust Sliders

• Complete Illustrated Instructions

*Don't see your strip?  Email us and we will work with you to include your strips in the next version of Strip Ease!

Legal information:

AquaChek® is a registered trademark of Hach Company.

Key Lime 314, LLC is not affiliated, connected or associated with any strip manufacture. The applications named StripEase and StripEase Lite, are not sponsored or endorsed by any of Strip Manufactures.

【免費工具App】StripEase Lite-APP點子

The application is for end users that have already purchased or are looking to purchase the test strips supported within StripEase. The creator, Key Lime 314, LLC, has used only so much of the trademarked names of strips as is necessary to properly identify them. As such, the use falls into the category of nominative fair use. The creator is not in the business of manufacturing or selling water testing strips. The app is a resource for pool owners. For legal questions please contact us directly at legal@keylime314.com.

【免費工具App】StripEase Lite-APP點子

免費玩StripEase Lite APP玩免費

免費玩StripEase Lite App

StripEase Lite APP LOGO

StripEase Lite LOGO-APP點子

StripEase Lite APP QRCode

StripEase Lite QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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