【實用娛樂app】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD-APP點子

"Stroboscope" turns your iPhone / iTouch into a: 1) strobe-light (white or multi-colors-lights effect) 2) psychedelic light 3) LED torch for the night 4) SOS light lamp (emergency light signal) 5) alarm clock (time, date, locality, alarm) STROBE LIGHT MODE: - adjustable strobe flash rate - multi-colors-lights mode: the color of the flashes of the strobe light will change over time Amaze your friends in the clubs, at parties, in the night, with the light effects of Stroboscope. TORCH / SOS / PSYCHEDELIC MODE: Stroboscope can also be used: - as a LED torch to illuminate rooms without light (it uses the “LED CAMERA FLASH LIGHT”, if it is available) - as an emergency light lamp (SOS) - as a psychedelic light ALARM MODE: Stroboscope can be used as an alarm clock with date, time, locality, alarm: 1) set the alarm (Stroboscope will automatically go into night mode - light "off" - clock time, date, locality and alarm time "on") 2) at the moment of alarm Stroboscope will play an alarm sound (touch the screen to turn off the alarm or wait 120 seconds and the alarm sound will be stopped automatically) and it will automatically turn on the lamp of the torch to light the bedroom and facilitate the awakening 3) the alarm clock runs also if the application and the device are shutdown (it uses the notification system of the portable device with an “OLD STYLE" alarm sound effect) Features: - Strobe light - Strobe lamp frequency control - Emergency lamp shutdown - Infinite colors for the light of the lamp (You can choose the color that You prefer) - Sequential multi lights mode - Psychedelic lights - Emergency lamp (SOS) - Fullscreen strobe lamp light - Multicolor torch, LED - Alarm clock with time, date, locality, alarm BE CAREFUL: "Continued use of the flash may dramatically decrease battery life"

【免費娛樂App】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Stroboscope Alarm Clock HD-APP點子

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